DADZ got some funky new glasses. They're very cool, in a retro kind of way. Which is ironic, because DADZ has been around long enough that he witnessed the original retro. Back then, they just called it "groovy."
The Reunited Jerusalem
History of Modern Israel 101 by Yaakov
"Before the מלחמת ששת הימים, Yerushalayim was cut into two. Then, they put it back together. Then they builded the Bet HaMikdash." And there you have it.
Yaakov Explains My Life Expectancy
"Right that you and Daddy will die before us? You will have a few more birthday parties, then that's it, you die. Then Ariella and me will be married together."
What I love about this:
1. He counts life expectancy in birthday parties.
2. He assumes he and Ariella will take over the job of the Mommy and Daddy once we have passed on. Someone's gotta do it, right?
High Art
Ariella came home from school with this:
I asked her what the assignment in art class had been. The answer? "To draw a nof yisraeli (pretty view, vista in Israel.)"
Note to self: Must take children out more often.
Well, at least there are only 3 cars on the road. That can count as a nof yisraeli.
"Yaakov Explains My Life Expectancy" You cracked me up - thanks for the laugh, yet again:) May you have many many more happy healthy birthday parties.
DFF Update: DADZ purchased a truckload of new polo shirts, so he "could be just like Donny."
At which point Donny discarded his polo shirts and bought all button down shirts.
Shani - you make a fair point.
Thanks Daniela!
Momz - the polo shirts were not, God forbid, discarded. They just have to squish over on the dresser (aka Donny's closet) to make room for the new additions.
*cannot respond due to hysterical response to yaakov's future plans for gila, donny, ariella and himself*
It's even funnier when you replace all the "r"s with "w"s.
At least he didn't ask you who gets the jewelry.
I remember those retro fashions when they were out originally as well. Guess that dates me.
Yaakov's take on History and life expectancy are hilarious!
What does Ariella think about her future marriage prospects? I bet that answer would be a whole other post!
Well, Ariella was disabused of the whole marrying your brother thing years ago, so she's come to terms with it. She has a few other prospects; we'll see what pans out.
Baila - true that Yaakov did not ask, but now that Ariella has her ears pierced, Mommy's jewelry box is seen in a whole new light....
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